My Travel Blog

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Delphi, Greece

The next morning we got up early to go to Delphi. Delphi is an ancient city northwest of Athens, around 3 hours bus ride. They said Delphi was the center of the universe. We took the bus there. It was 13 euros / person each way. If you want to visit Delphi, you can visit it for couples of hours as there is not much to see. We were there for only 4,5 hours and we saw everything outside. However, we didn't visit the museum there because we saw so many museums already. The view is beautiful. The ancient site was okay, not what I expected. I got the map of the entire site so we knew what to expect. We climbed all the way up to the theater and they stopped us there, didn't allow us to go up the steps. From what I heard, you have to climb all the way up to the top of the theater to have a much better view. In the afternoon, we went back to Athens and prepared to leave. 3 days in Athens was great. I wish we went here earlier because it was our last destination, we were exhausted and couldn't do much. I wish I could go to some of the islands.

In the morning, we said goodbye to Athens and took our flight back to Milan. I was surprise how easyjet didn't check for bag size. I guess it depends on the airport and the staff. We arrived at Milan and bought tickets to go back to Fribourg, Swizerland. I still had about 50 euros left in my wallet so we used them all for our luxurious meal on the train (including some sushi). As the sun started to come down, we were leaving the country side of Northern Italy heading into the mountainous Alps of Switzerland. We passed by the small town of Sion as I saw 2 policemen getting on the train checking for passports. Far away on the mountain sides, there were couples of houses with lights on here and there. The sun disappeared as the night felt. I closed my eyes and rested a little bit realizing that my Europe adventure has come to an end.

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